A guide to selecting the right ERP system

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What you will learn with this eBook

Day by day, you run your business in line with adopted vision and goals: looking for new sources of income, trying to stay ahead of your competition and making the most of your business with the fewest resources possible. At the same time, you make all necessary efforts to ensure that the funds invested bring the biggest gains.

7 steps to choosing an ERP system and an implementation partner

How to know when it’s the right time to switch to an ERP system? Are you considering investing in a complex management system that will support your business and facilitate its growth?

What components and features should an ERP system have?

What are the critical areas of your business: distribution, production, finance or CRM? You may look at the venture from a different perspective and consider the potential benefits of implementing an ERP system in the most essential areas of your business activity.

Benefits of implementing an ERP system

The business environment is constantly changing. Modern companies must face multiple challenges such as growing competition, developing markets and rising customer expectations.

ERP system in the cloud or on-premise?

Having regard to the uncertain economic situation, companies must re-define the importance of resource planning as well as develop new methods of its implementation.

ERP Implementation phases in compliance with the methodology

Methodology is a set of tools and good practices that secure the effective implementation of the ERP system. It has been designed based on many-year experience of Microsoft consultants and partners.

Microsoft Dynamics NAV ERP Software

As an entrepreneur starting your business, you have devoted much time and effort to developing a unique vision of your company. With Microsoft Dynamics NAV, this vision may come true and become a reality that unveils great opportunities.

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Microsoft Dynamics NAV product guide

This guide provides an overview of the new packaging available and product capabilities within Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2017 and how they address across your business.

ERP system to support global business

As organizations expand globally, their needs and ambitions change due to the scope and complexity of their operations and the challenges they face at the local level.
