Polish Functionality for Microsoft Dynamics

Polish Functionality for Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2016 PL

Polish Functionality for Microsoft Dynamics


Polish Functionality is an add-on module certified by Microsoft that extends the standard Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2016 (W1) version. The module has been developed and prepared by IT.integro consultants and translators. Its main objective is to make Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2016 compliant with local legal and business requirements. For this reason, the module has been equipped with:

  • functionalities required by Polish law (e.g. VAT Date),
  • functionalities that facilitate daily users’ tasks (such as improvements for issuing sales credit memos);
  • the Polish language layer.

This document provides the overview of all Polish Functionality for Microsoft Dynamics NAV module features.

Add-on functionalities for general ledger management


Additional columns: Debit Amount and Credit Amount

In the standard version of Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2016, transactions amounts are displayed in one column; debit amounts are presented as positive values whereas credit amounts as negative values. In the Polish Functionality for Microsoft Dynamics NAV module in most windows, it is possible to display two columns: Debit Amount and Credit Amount. With this feature, the user can define how transaction values are to be displayed.

Message with a posted document number

As required by Polish law, the posting number used to register the document in the company’s accounting books must be included on each document printout. In order to facilitate a search of a posting number, the standard Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2016 version has been enhanced with a message feature. The message with a posting number is displayed after the document has been posed successfully.

Posting description

With this Polish Functionality for Microsoft Dynamics NAV feature, it is easier to enter transaction descriptions for transactions posted and registered in the G/L Entry table. Additionally, as it is possible to block changes in default descriptions, the method for describing transactions is more uniform.

Posting an adjustment (red storno)

According to the provisions under Polish law, expenditures can be recorded only on the debit side whereas revenues – on the credit side of a G/L account. This ensures the so called turnover clarity. Therefore, some transactions have to be posted as adjustments.

The Polish Functionality for Microsoft Dynamics NAV module has been designed to support:

  • enforced posting on the appropriate side of the relevant general ledger accounts;
  • posting warehouse transaction adjustments (shipments in warehouse movements, reversing the posting of expected costs, etc.);
  • simplified adjustment posting with a single click (postings in the General Ledger, Inventory and Jobs areas).

Document numbering templates

The document numbering templates functionality has been designed to define various sets of number series for specific document types. It is possible to define other common settings to each template, e.g. the report that is to replace the primary report assigned to a certain document type in the standard functionality.

The functionality can be also used to create numbering templates for:

  • sales documents,
  • purchase documents,
  • transfer orders.

Number series in Master Templates

With the standard functionality of Master Templates, it is possible to define default parameters for various setup options. Using these settings, the system automatically fills in record fields that will be created based on the selected master template. Additionally, Polish Functionality for Microsoft Dynamics NAV enables the user to set up a default numbering series for templates defined for customers, vendors and fixed assets.

Importing NBP (National Bank of Poland) exchange rates

The standard system version of Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2016 enables the recording of multi-currency transactions. In general ledger entries, transaction amounts are displayed as their PLN equivalents calculated based on the selected currency exchange rate whereas in analytical ledgers two amounts are presented i.e. the amount in the transaction currency and its equivalent calculated in the same way as amounts in general ledger entries.

In order to streamline the management of multi-currency transactions, the standard functionality of Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2016 supports the currency setup and registration of currency exchange rates to be applied for transactions in a specific currency for a selected period.

Polish Functionality for Microsoft Dynamics NAV simplifies exchange rate registration, enabling the user to import exchange rates from the dedicated Web portal maintained by the National Bank of Poland.

Adjusting exchange rates

Exchange rate adjustment or balance sheet valuation means the recalculation of open receivable and payable accounts as well as cash in hand and at bank accounts based on the same exchange rate. Exchange rate adjustment should be carried out at least once a year. The Polish Functionality for Microsoft Dynamics NAV module includes the following enhancements:

  • the possibility of running the Adjust Exchange Rates batch job separately for receivables, payables and bank accounts;
  • the possibility of posting detailed entries or entries aggregated by currency by running the Adjust Exchange Rates batch job;
  • the possibility of running the Adjust Exchange Rates batch job in the test mode, only for simulation purposes (without posting recalculated values).

Exchange rate adjustment registers

The history of exchange rate adjustments is stored in exchange rate adjustment registers. The Polish Functionality for Microsoft Dynamics NAV module offers enhancements for the standard register window and a dedicated posting report. This ensures that the user gets the complete history and overview of performed exchange rate adjustments.

Removing posted purchase and sales documents

As required by Polish accounting law, posted business documents have to be stored for a specific period of time. With the Polish Functionality for Microsoft Dynamics NAV module, it is possible to define permissions to remove posted sales and purchase documents. However, by removing the posted document, the corresponding general ledger entries are not deleted.

Information about the name and version of the accounting software

The Accounting Act imposes an obligation to print the name and version of the accounting software used on the official accounting reports:

 ”…Accounting books with the accounting technique indicated, should be […] permanently marked with the (full or shortened) name of the business entity to which they relate (each bound book, each loose account sheet, also if in the form of a computer printout or a list displayed on a computer screen), name of the given type of the account book and name of the processing software;”…

Thus, the standard reports within the Polish Functionality for Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2016 module have been marked with the accounting software name and version information.

Balance sheet and profit & loss statement

Balance sheet and profit & loss statement reports are required under Polish accounting law. The structure of these reports is subject to the Act; therefore the ERP system should enable the implementation of statutory report templates. The Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss features, which have been added as a part of the Polish Functionality for Microsoft Dynamics NAV module, facilitate statutory reporting. It is possible to set up multiple versions of reports, balances and profit and loss accounts.

Account Schedules

The 3 additional options for using account schedules have been implemented into Polish Functionality for Microsoft Dynamics NAV:

  • Shared account schedule – the account schedule that is defined as shared can be used in formulas applied for all account schedules. This eliminates double entry of parameters needed to calculate an amount for a specific report entry in multiple account schedules. With a shared account schedule, it is possible to enter parameters in a line only once. This definition is used in other account schedules by indicating the line of the shared account schedule in a relevant line.
  • Saving account schedule results – this function enables the user to monitor value changes in accounting books. Each version of account schedule results is identified by the system by its number that is assigned automatically based on the selected number series when the version is saved. Each saved account schedule is stamped with its saving date and time.

Source of calculated amount in a line with Formula type – with this modification, it is possible to display the amount calculation method in the Account Schedule Overview window in lines with a selected totalling type. As a result, there is no need to switch between the Preview and Edit windows of account schedules. In the standard Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2016 version, the Preview window contains the calculated amount while the Edit window contains the formula definition in the line.

Add-on functionality for VAT management

VAT Date

Polish law allows VAT settlement in periods other than the ones in which the document was posted. The VAT Date feature, as a part of the Polish Functionality for Microsoft Dynamics NAV module, can be used to allocate VAT transactions to a specific accounting period, regardless of the document posting date.

Postponed VAT (marking signed sales credit memos)

The postponed VAT feature is used every time the VAT amount is to be suspended as it is not possible to settle it at a given time. It is relevant for handling sales credit memos. Under Polish law, it is possible to deduct the invoice VAT amount only upon confirmation of sales credit memo receipt by the customer. Therefore, it is necessary to postpone the VAT amount for the period between the issue of the sales credit memo and the customer’s confirmation of the sales credit memo receipt.

Sales/Purchase VAT Register Report

The Sales/Purchase VAT Register report is a basic report used for calculating amounts of sales and purchase VAT amounts in selected periods. The report displays a VAT amount as well as detailed customer or vendor information for each document.

The VAT base amount and VAT amount are displayed separately based on different VAT rates. Additionally, the report displays the total of VAT amounts for each combination of a VAT business posting group and VAT product posting group. VAT entries can be viewed by VAT posting groups or VAT identity numbers, depending on the option selected during creation of the report printout.

VAT Application Worksheet

The VAT application worksheet is a tool available within Polish Functionality for Microsoft Dynamics NAV designed to enable VAT settlement before VAT is paid to the Tax Office. With this tool, the Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2016 user gets complete control over VAT transactions such as VAT postponing and payment as well as VAT date changes.

VAT Statement

VAT Statement is a standard tool that is used to prepare statements for the Tax Office. In the standard Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2016 version, the tool uses accounting periods. Within Polish Functionality for Microsoft Dynamics NAV, the accounting period used as the settlement period for VAT statements has been replaced with the VAT period. This enables the user to issue statements for each selected, predefined VAT period, regardless of the accounting period used to post transactions in ledgers.

Detailed VAT Entries

The Detailed VAT Entries functionality has been added to the standard Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2016 version to ensure the improved control and handling of a VAT change which is to be settled in a selected period.

Generally, this concept resembles other detailed system entries such as detailed customer and vendor ledger entries. This means that detailed information on VAT entries value changes is stored as separate entries. The VAT entry amount is the sum of all amounts registered in detailed VAT entries related to a specific VAT entry.

Posting VAT documents in general journals

Polish accounting regulations oblige each business entity to enter all key information about the contracting party in the sales/purchase VAT register. In the case of purchase invoices from one-time vendors, it is not necessary to set up separate cards for settlement purposes. For these purposes, Polish Functionality for Microsoft Dynamics NAV provides general journal enhancements that support VAT transaction posting with the capability of entering customer data without linking it to a settlement card.

Posting a full VAT amount

As required by Polish law, the VAT register should contain net amounts for all VAT transactions. With the Polish Functionality for Microsoft Dynamics NAV module, it is possible to meet this requirement by entering manually VAT base amounts for posting only VAT amounts.

This feature is useful for recording purchases from outside the EU. For such transactions, it is necessary to post two documents:

  • a vendor purchase invoice – to include a purchase net value and payable amount;
  • a SAD document – to include VAT and other additional costs due to custom duties.

The net value, which is the basis for VAT calculation, is posted on the basis of a purchase invoice. That is why, it cannot be posted again based on a SAD document related to VAT posting. Therefore, during SAD document posting the VAT calculation base is displayed for information purposes only. This ensures the correctness of purchase transaction printouts in the VAT register.

Non-deductible VAT

In some cases, it is not possible to deduct a full sales VAT amount. Because only a part of the VAT amount can be included in the VAT register, the remaining part should be added to the purchase amount and posted as costs. For item or fixed asset purchases, non-deductible VAT is added to the purchase value of an item or fixed asset and it is posted as a part of a purchase cost.

The solution implemented within Polish Functionality for Microsoft Dynamics NAV enables the user to:

  • set up the partial deduction of a calculated VAT amount;
  • post a purchase transaction including the VAT amount which is partially deductible;
  • add the non-deductible VAT amount to the acquisition cost of items and fixed assets.

Orders and internal sales invoices

As required by Polish law, a VAT amount calculated for some purchase types is included in the VAT sales register as VAT receivable and it is posted on a relevant cost account. If goods and services are provided free of charge, such a transaction must be treated similarly. The Polish Functionality for Microsoft Dynamics NAV module provides a tool that simplifies the process of creating additional VAT records for this type of transactions.

Reverse charge VAT supported

The reverse charge VAT is a process of transferring the obligation to settle VAT to the customer. The reverse charge VAT is applicable for: intra-community purchase transactions including goods and services as well as some domestic purchase transitions as specified in the Attachment to the VAT Act. This imposes the obligation to include transactions with a calculated VAT amount in the VAT register. The standard reverse charge feature within the system is used to calculate sales and purchase VAT amounts. However, it creates only purchase VAT entries.

That is why, a VAT amount calculated for intercommunity transactions and service purchases is included only in the VAT purchase register. With its latest enhancements, the reverse charge VAT feature in Polish Functionality for Microsoft Dynamics NAV enables the creation of the VAT sales entries. Therefore, intercommunity and service purchase transactions including sales VAT are included in the VAT sales register. With the Polish Functionality module for Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2016, it is also possible to calculate a VAT amount in the local currency using the exchange rate on the different day than the conversion date of purchase and payables values for the accounting books.

VAT-UE Declaration

VAT-UE Declaration is an overview of intra-community transactions carried out in a specified period of time. The declaration must be submitted in compliance with the provisions of the VAT Act. The Polish Functionality for Microsoft Dynamics NAV module provides a tool that streamlines and automates the preparation of data for VAT-UE declaration purposes.

VAT-27 Declaration

The VAT-27 Declarations is an overview of transactions (including item and service delivery) completed in a specified period with the customer as a tax payer. It should be filled in by, among others, tax payers who use reverse charge VAT for sales of sensitive goods such as laptops, smartphones, tablets, telephones, metals, waste paper as well as services in the scope of greenhouse emission trading. The Polish Functionality module provides a tool that streamlines and automates the preparation of data for VAT-27 Declaration purposes.

Service Tariff Number

For transactions related to service sales outside Poland, the user has to provide a short description of the service delivered in the VAT register for the purpose of validating VAT calculations. The service tariff number feature that is available within Polish Functionality provides a list of service numbers descriptions which can be assigned by the user.

Add-on functionality for cash management

 Cash management

As flexibility and ongoing cash balance control are of great importance in cash management, the cash management feature has been included in the Polish Functionality module. If all settings are properly set up for specific user needs, the cash transaction management is optimized and more efficient.

Bank statement journal

When bank statements are registered, it is important to control the bank account balance on an ongoing basis. With its Bank Statement Journal, the Polish Functionality module provides an overview of an open balance, registered transaction balance, projected balance after posting, both in the standard statement currency and local currency. Additionally, the Bank Statement Journal window ensures easier registration of transactions and account settlement.

Calculating and posting exchange differences in banking transactions

As required by Polish law, foreign currency cash withdrawals from the cash desk and bank accounts should be converted based on the exchange rate as of date when the payment in the foreign currency was made to the cash desk or bank account. This means that the withdrawal amount in the local currency should be equivalent to the respective payment amount in the same currency. This process is very similar to inventory valuation.

Therefore, acceptable methods for cash withdrawal and payment settlement are basically the same: FIFO, LIFO, weighted average. As part of the Polish Functionality module, the recalculation of cash withdrawals in a foreign currency is based on FIFO, as it is the most commonly used costing method.

Electronic banking

Most banks operating on the Polish market offer software that enables them to enter transfers at their headquarters and send them to banks in an electronic form. Electronic Banking as a module of Polish Functionality streamlines the processes of entering and importing transfers into the software provided by a bank. Additionally, with this module it is possible to import bank statement files into Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2016 and settle the statements automatically.

Add-on functionalities for receivables and payables management

Sales price rounding precision

In the standard Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2016 version, it is possible to define the rounding precision of unit amounts. It applies to all amounts within the system. Polish Functionality enables the user to define different precision settings for sales and purchase prices. For example, purchase prices can be entered with a precision of five decimal places, whereas sales prices are registered with a precision of two decimal places.

Printing fiscal receipts

Polish Functionality provides a tool that supports communication between Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2016 and a fiscal printer in order to print fiscal receipts as a confirmation of sales transactions registered within the system.

Printing sales documents

All printouts issued within Polish Functionality are complaint with statutory requirements and include all required items. It applies to printouts of sales invoices, sales credit memos, service sales invoices and service sales credit memos.

Sales pro-forma invoice

With Polish Functionality, it is possible to print pro-forma invoices for sales orders.

Pro-forma invoices are issued before a sales transaction is invoiced ultimately. They are used in two scenarios:

  • Based on sales pro-forma invoice, the customer makes an advance payment for an order. In such a case, a pro-forma invoice confirms the amount to be paid in advance.
  • A pro-forma invoice is issued for transactions related to product sales to non-EU countries. It is delivered to the Customs Authorities in order to prepare a SAD document.

Sales credit memo

A sales credit memo is issued if some corrections in the sales invoice must be made. As part of the Polish Functionality module, the following improvements have been added for sales credit memo creation:

  • correction line creation wizard;
  • correction types that control the accuracy of created corrections;
  • the possibility of issuing one sales credit memo for multiple sales invoices.

Selection of a bank account in sales documents

A lot of companies use multiple bank accounts in a variety of banking institutions which allows them to reduce the costs of handling financial transactions. Therefore, the standard sales functionality in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2016 has been enhanced with the possibility of selecting a bank account (out of all accounts defined in the system). The account information will be printed on the relevant sales document.

Multiple interest rates

Interest rates used to calculate a late payment interest can vary in different periods. The Polish Functionality module provides a tool for calculating various interest rates depending on the period for which the payments were overdue.

Corrective memos

Polish accounting rules allow companies to issue a corrective memo, if a VAT invoice that was received contains minor errors (such as a mistake in the customer’s address). Polish Functionality for Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2016 contains a tool for issuing corrective memos that enables the user to enter both incorrect and corrected data to be included in a received document.

Settlement invoice of an employee advance

Most companies pay their employees advances for business-related purchases. Such advances are settled with invoices that confirm respective purchases. In the standard international Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2016 version, two or more postings are needed to settle an employee advance. With the new feature of the Polish Functionality module, the user is able to achieve the same result with a single posting.

Customer and vendor templates

With the standard Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2016 functionality, it is possible to use the customer template when you create a customer card based on the previously entered contact card. The Polish Functionality module contains two important modifications:

  • the possibility of defining a default number series when a customer template is used;
  • the use of vendor templates based on customer templates, including a default numbering series.

Multiple receivables/payables accounts

For each customer (vendor), one card is usually defined within the system. Each customer/vendor card can be linked with a customer/vendor posting group which means with one receivables (payables) G/L account. However, it often happens that receivables (payables) of one customer (vendor) should be posted to various G/L accounts. It depends on the receivables (payables) type (for example current payables or paid deposits).

With the Polish Functionality module, it is easier to handle various types of receivables (payables) as posting group substitutions. By using this improvement, a default posting group is assigned to the customer/vendor card which is copied to all documents. However, the user can change the group in the document being entered without changing a default customer (vendor) posting group in a relevant card.

Customer/vendor compensations

In Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2016 contracting parties are defined as customers or vendors, depending on the type of transactions they conduct. However, it happens that the same contracting party is entered in purchase or sales transactions. In such a case, all relevant information about this contracting party must be registered twice i.e. for the customer and vendor.

As payables and receivables of a contracting party are registered without any linking, it is necessary to compensate both receivables and payables. The Polish Functionality module enables the user to control the receivables/payables balances on an ongoing bases and compensate them by linking customer and vendor cards for a given contracting party by using a contact card.

The following improvements within Polish Functionality support the compensation of receivables and payables for one contracting party:

  • Viewing balance as a customer/vendor – the payables balance can be viewed only in the customer card, whereas the receivables balance – in a customer card.
  • Suggesting and posting compensation – Polish Functionality offers features that support payables and receivables compensation for one contracting party.
  • Single balance confirmation – payables of the contracting party can be included in the Customer Balance Reconciliation document, whereas its receivables can be registered in the Vendor Balance Reconciliation.

Customer/vendor balance reconciliation

At the end of each fiscal year (or, if necessary, other accounting periods) companies prepare receivables and payables statements to reconcile them with relevant customers and vendors. To validate such statements, Vendors and customers are obliged to settle the payables and receivables balances registered in their systems and provide a feedback. The Polish Functionality module provides reports that confirm customer and vendor balances that show receivables and payables at specific dates.

Advance invoices

Polish VAT regulations require the issue of an advance invoice for any advances paid by the vendor for the sales order delivered. In Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2016, advance invoices are issued and posted by using prepayment invoices. The Polish Functionality module extends the standard application with customization options to ensure system adjustment to the Polish accounting regulations.

Add-on functionality for fixed assets management

Fixed assets classification

Polish regulations require the grouping of fixed assets according to their current statutory classification. The official fixed asset classification includes 3 grouping levels:

  • group – e.g. means of transport,
  • subgroup – e.g. motor vehicles,
  • type – e.g. passenger cars.

The standard Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2016 functionality has been enhanced with the possibility of assigning a certain fixed asset (based on fixed assets classification) for each fixed asset. In the latest system version, fixed assets reports with various settings enable the user to group the data by FA classification numbers which are assigned to fixed asset cards.

Fixed asset appreciation in a purchase invoice

With standard Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2016, it is possible to post only acquisition and maintenance costs in a purchase invoice. The enhancement of the fixed asset functionality in the Polish Functionality for Microsoft Dynamics NAV module makes it possible to record fixed asset appreciation using the purchase invoice.

Annual depreciation plan

In order to estimate the expected value of fixed assets as well as tangible and intangible assets many companies prepare an annual depreciation simulation. The Polish Functionality for Microsoft Dynamics NAV module provides the Annual Depreciation Plan report that specifies expected depreciation costs of fixed assets over a defined year.

Add-on functionality for inventory management


Polish Classification of Products and Services (PKWiU)

The PKWiU functionality, as a part of the Polish Functionality for Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2016, enables the user to record purchase and sales transactions including the correct PKWiU code for a given product.

General business posting group in transfer orders, production orders and assembly orders

In the standard Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2016 version, transfer orders are recorded by default according to settings defined in the General Posting Setup window on the lines with a blank Gen. Bus Posting Group field. Defining general posting setup with an empty Gen. Bus. Posting Group field bears the risk of user’s errors and therefore Polish Functionality for Microsoft Dynamics NAV enables the user to select a business posting group code in Transfer Order, Production Order and Assembly Order cards. It is also possible to define a default code for a relevant general business posting group for such orders.

Package tax calculation

Companies selling or consuming goods on the local market are obliged to prepare a package tax declaration for the Tax Office. The Polish Functionality for Microsoft Dynamics NAV module provides tools that make it easier to prepare such declarations by:

  • defining a package list,
  • collecting data on inventory sales and consumption in combination with the defined package list,
  • calculation and reporting on a package tax amount for the aforementioned transactions and items.


Poland’s accession to the European Union resulted in new reporting requirements imposed on business entities trading with EU member states. Business units are obliged to submit Intrastat declarations in a specified form and manner and report intra-community trade and goods turnover to custom authorities. The standard Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2016 version provides tools that simplify the creation of Intrastat declarations. With additional modifications in the Polish Functionality for Microsoft Dynamics NAV module, it is also possible to export each Intrastat declaration in the XML file format.

Physical inventory counting document

At the end of the fiscal year, users carry out physical inventory counting in order to reconcile physical on-hand inventory with values registered in the system. Polish Functionality for Microsoft Dynamics NAV provides the Physical Inventory Counting Document report which can be archived by the accounting department as a conformation of the completed physical inventory counting process.

The physical inventory counting document includes posted inventory values and quantities as well as names of company representatives who, with their signatures, confirm that quantities and amounts shown in the document match the actual inventory levels.

Warehouse activity documents

Typical warehouse operations in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2016 include: physical inventory, inventory revaluation and warehouse movements. The system enables the user to print inventory movement document that is available in the Item Reclass. Journals window. Polish Functionality for Microsoft Dynamics NAV provides additional reports for saving and viewing warehouse transactions.

  • Inventory Write Down Document – the document is available in the Item Journals window before the operation is posted.
  • Posted Inventory Write Down Document – the document is available in the Financial Management module reports after the operation has been posted.
  • Inventory Revaluation Document – the document is available in the Revaluation Journals window before the operation is posted.

Analyses and reports

The Polish Functionality for Microsoft Dynamics NAV module provides statutory reports that should be created at the closure of each months as well as other reports that support users in their daily work. All reports can be created for any period length, not only for a month period.

Polish Functionality for Microsoft Dynamics NAV reports include:

  • G/L account net change and balance – the report shows values such as Open Balance, Period Balance, Period Net Change, Balance to Date for all or selected general ledger accounts.
  • G/L Journal – the report lists all entries of the general ledger in a chronological order.
  • G/L register posting document – the report shows a posting entry for G/L and other important information. It confirms transaction posting.
  • Analytical G/L Register – similarly to the G/L Register Posting Document report, the document confirms the transaction posting and displays a posting entry. However, it is more detailed and includes information about entry dimensions, subsidiary ledgers and currencies used.
  • Analytical G/L Document – the report shows data similar to data listed in Analytical G/L Register, however it provides better filtering capabilities. The report header displays source information for the posted transaction.
  • G/L Purchase Invoice, G/L Purchase Credit Invoice, G/L Sales Invoice, G/L Sales Credit Memo – the four reports display a posting entry as well as statutory information about, for instance, general ledger accounts, subsidiary ledger accounts, transaction currencies, currency exchange rates etc. They can be printed based on a posted purchase or sales invoice or sales credit memo and purchase credit memo.
  • Customer Net Change and Balance, Vendor Net Change and Balance – these reports supplement the G/L Account Net Change and Balance report. They are based on subsidiary ledger entries including receivables and payables. The reports show values such as Open Balance, Period Balance, Period Net Change, Balance to Date for all customers and vendors based on posting groups (receivables or payables accounts).
  • Customer Ledger Entry Journal, Vendor Ledger Entry Journal – these reports supplement the G/L Journal report. They are based on subsidiary ledger entries including receivables and payables. The reports list all entries in the customer or vendor ledgers in a chronological order.
  • Aged Accounts Receivable, Aged Accounts Payable – these reports list open receivables and payables entries in six selected periods by a payment date or posting date.
  • Aged Inventory – this report shows inventory quantities and values for any four selected periods.
  • FA Card -– the report combines data from FA List and FA Details reports with details grouped by a FA depreciation book.
  • FA Receipt – the report is printed when a fixed asset has been received and is ready for use. This document has to be signed by company representatives.
  • FA Disposal – the report is printed if a fixed asset has been removed from records because it was sold or disposed.
  • FA Phys. Inventory List – the report is printed when the actual fixed asset book value and quantity is reconciled with registered vales and quantities for the purpose of financial statements.

The Polish Functionality for Microsoft Dynamics NAV module incorporates some improvements of standard reports.

They include the following reports:

  • Bank Account – Detail Trial Balance – the report displays details for selected bank accounts. The debit/credit columns have been added to the report.
  • Customer – Balance to Date, Vendor – Balance to Date – these reports display detailed receivables and payables balances for selected customers and vendors. The report supports advances and substitute posting groups (for multiple receivables and payables accounts).
  • Customer – Detail Trial Balance, Vendor – Detail Trial Balance – these reports display details of the trail balance for selected customers or vendors. The reports have been enhanced with the capability of filtering customer ledger entries and vendor ledger entries based on posting groups.